Remember all the factors from the day of your citation.

always check all of your personal information on every speeding ticket challenge every ticket in every state THESPEEDSTAR.COM

This is a very simple worksheet pertaining to the day of your citation. All information should be remembered for court, if the case even gets to that point, which it will not. All these cases are settled before trial even becomes an idea. No judge, prosecutor, assistant prosecutor or court house staff wants to see these petty offenses on there docket or calendar any longer than they need to be.

This page shows that recording the data such as the date of the occurrence, the temperature outside, was it hot? Was it cold? Was he running his a/c fan? All this information ties in to the officers a/c fan interfering with the readout of the radar, which is covered in other material that is part of “the packet”.

Visibility is a huge factor in determining what the officer was able to see. Traffic conditions is by far one of the biggest factors. Semi’s, 5 lanes of speeding traffic, large billboards, aluminum signs, and all other obstacles that interfere with radar and its measurement of speed.

Electrical interference, which is up there in the top 5 of inaccurate measurement of speed. Overhead power lines, large substations, or even worse, electrical up stations, which take electricity off the grid and power it up to handle larger loads for factories, or commercial properties. This is definitely 1 of the major leading factors in inaccuracies regarding radar, and even more of a factor in regards to moving radar.

This is a simple sheet that is part of “the packet” that further prepares you for whatever the court tries to throw at you.

Remember courts only listen to the facts, not opinions of facts. Any other documentation you can put together on events of that day such as weather reports or traffic conditions only helps your case and will leave the prosecution unprepared for your knowledge and preparation.











○ types of traffic?

○ heavy traffic?


○ large billboards?

○ how many aluminum signs were visible on both sides of the roadway?


○ large relays or transformers in the area?


○ large or small up stations or sub stations in the area?

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